Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Shuri Castle

Shurijo Castle was opened to the public a year after I left Okinawa.  In the below statement you can read an overview of the history.  It was great to visit it considering I wasn't able to do so all those years ago.  I think for the family it was great to see the difference between the culture of Okinawa and that of mainland Japan.  It is really true that while Okinawa is technically part of Japan, it has a culture that is completely unique to itself.  Much like you may see of Hawaii with respect to continental US.

The deep reds and golds of the castle really show the influence of China on Okinawa.  This central courtyard was used for various ceremonies such as naming the next King and welcoming dignitaries from foreign countries.  The King who sat at Shuri Castle led the people of the entire Ryukyu Kingdom.

This was the King's throne.  The Castle was built facing the West so that when the King sat and looked ahead through the large windows above the courtyard, he would be facing West.

Lunch on Kokusai Dori (the most popular street in central Naha) filled with restaurants, shops, and hotels.  We had a fantastic meal of yakisoba noodles and taco rice.  In other words, barbecue fried noodles and the fixings of a taco laid out on a pile of rice.

Marc and Nobu teaching Paige how to use chopsticks.  She finally got it!!  And was very excited.  She still ended up eating with a fork though.

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