Sunday, April 8, 2012

Meeting an old friend and making new.

Saturday we had the opportunity to visit the Kaiyukan Aquarium in Osaka and meet up with an old friend from college that currently lives with his wife and 2 kids in Kobe.  We hadn't seen Shin since Emily's wedding in 2000.
The exhibits were really awesome.  The above photo is of their special attraction... a whale shark.  Below photo is of a giant manta ray.  We had never seen such incredible displays of jellyfish, squid, and other unique sea creatures.

Shin's kids were really sweet.  Their son is 3 and really full of energy.  Within the first few minutes of meeting each other at the aquarium Shigeru had run off with excitement and no one knew where he was for a good 15 minutes or so.  In the end he hadn't wandered too far off course and we reconnected.

Their daughter is 8 months old and really adorable.  Kristie was enjoying the baby holding time.

After our time at the aquarium we went to an all you can eat "fry daddy" type restaurant.  Each table was equipped with a built in fryer and you could select from a variety of meats and vegetables to bread and cook.  We had a great time.  Below are a couple of videos of the girls learning how to properly cook with oil!

All week we've been saying that Marc needs a flag as the tour guide leader.  Paige and Madeline, however, have done a really amazing job getting the hang of big city navigation.  They are becoming masters getting through train stations and getting grandma and grandpa going in the right direction.  Here Paige is using a pen to lead the way back to our hotel after our day at the aquarium.

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